There were 18 students with 13 nationalities. Culture shock is a great way to describe it but more so, this was the perfect opportunity for her to break long-standing social norms and get past many pre-conceived notions. This great opportunity pushed Boeing to take pride in being herself and embrace her role as a woman engineer. It also allowed her creativity to shine through and made the best of her experience.
Certainly, it is important for entrepreneurs and their start-ups to value the creative process of diverse minds. Though it is often challenging to get everyone on the same page, the performance of team members that contribute in different perspectives is impressive.
As the founder and CEO of Accelerate Wind, a wind turbine technology company that is working to revolutionize low-cost rooftop wind energy in the commercial and industrial spaces, Boeing knows that it is more than just the right thing to do. It paves the way for incoming women in engineering who need to know they are given a voice and that theirs and those of others–whether alike or not–is embraced and celebrated.
“It is important for entrepreneurs and their start-ups to value the creative process of diverse minds.”–E. Boeing