Energy and Manufacturing to Secure U.S. Prosperity
Our mission: “Opening Argonne’s door to deliver on our promise
of a sustainable, prosperous, and equitable
world—one innovator, one startup at a time.”
Through a rigorous application process, we identify innovators with ideas for energy- and science-based technologies that can have a significant impact on the lives of billions of people. We will provide these innovators with the laboratory tools and collaborators needed to grow their early-stage technologies so they can attract the long-term capital and commercial partners needed to scale and launch into the marketplace. If you’re interested in applying for the program, learn more by reading the CRI Applicant FAQs.
Watch the CRI video to learn more about this innovative program.
Our Guiding Principles
- Securing U.S. energy prosperity requires complex science.
- It will take breakthroughs in chemistry, physics, materials, and engineering to develop energy sources and deliver energy affordably to the U.S. and across the globe, including to the 1.4 billion people currently living without access to power, clean water and the billions more with unreliable power.
- A secure future and competitive America depends on advanced manufacturing.
- Big challenges require big, bold partnerships.
- The invention, development, and commercialization of transformative innovations require collaboration between government and the private sector to successfully transition new technologies from the lab to the marketplace.
Neither the U.S. Department of Energy, Argonne nor its employees take equity in CRI startups. Argonne operates as a steward of federal funds and takes seriously any actual or perceived conflicts of interest.
Our Path to Success
- We identify the best and brightest innovators.
- We provide unprecedented access to world-class scientific tools and expertise.
- We partner innovators with mentors to build strong business strategies and distribute game-changing technologies.
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