Project: Development of a soot-free engine for heavy-duty transportation
Julie has a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Johns Hopkins University, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Stanford University where she worked with professor Chris Edwards in the Advanced Energy Systems Laboratory. For her thesis work, she investigated advanced combustion concepts for piston engines by employing both CFD modeling and experimental approaches. She designed and built a high pressure, single-cylinder optical access engine to gain further insight into clean and efficient combustion concepts for transportation engines.
As a co-founder of ClearFlame Engines, Blumreiter is working to bring clean, low-carbon, high-performance engine solutions to market in order to change the landscape of the long-haul heavy duty trucking industry. Her motivation to develop a drop-in diesel engine replacement stems from the dream to one day live in a world with entirely petroleum-free truck fleets.